July 12, 2008

Fun at Teen Camp

Me and my sisters had a chance to go to a camp that one of our churches had.  The camp was at Appalachin Bible college in West Virginia, the name of the camp was Alpine Bible camp.  We had a medieval theme focusing on having a lionhearted faith and the courage to share our faith.  We played many games, participated in all kinds of competitions and attempted to complete different challenges all the while learning to work together as a cabin.  I also got a chance to do High ropes, which was really fun as soon as I got used to the idea of being really far off the ground.  

    I also got to go white water rafting, I loved doing that, although our guide flipped the raft on purpose on the first rapid and i got trapped under the raft and for a moment of panic I thought I would drown.  About half way through the afternoon it started to thunder, lightening, and rain hard right before really big rapid, which added more of a challenge and fun to the whole experience(:   
    I made many friends there.  All of the counselors were college students from different colleges.  Actually my counselor is a student at Bob Jones and two other counselors were also students at Bob Jones.  I also meet another mk, she was in my cabin.