February 21, 2009

Hi From BJU

I know i have not been very good at keeping my blog updated, but i
will definitely make an effort to do better. Well i have completed one
semester now i only have six and a half to go! I am thinking that it
would be better for me to think in terms of years and not semesters at
this point. This semester is busier than last semester. My classes
are not really harder they just require more homework, especially my
English, Speech, and Accounting classes. Well that is enough about
school. I have some good news and some not so good news. Skype dose
not work on Campus at all not even for international students, now for
the good news i can use MSN, AIM, or Meebo. I have enjoyed being able
to chat with my family already and i can't wait to start chatting with
friends to(: My user name for my MSN account is just my normal e-mail
address (not my University e-mail address) if you use AIM or Meebo
just e-mail me and i can give you my info for those accounts(: I am
coming back this summer(: My dad already purchased my ticket so now
we are just praying for a job to come up. Well i really should get
back to my homework. I hope all of you are having a great weekend!


Daniel Hardesty said...

Hey Heather! I work with the youth group over at Calvary Bible and spent some good times with your family while they were here late last year. I too am an artist so your dad and I had plenty to talk about! :)

Just know that we're praying for you and if there's any way we can help you don't hesitate to ask! Glad to hear things are going well at school. Hang in there!